Friday, April 25, 2008

Pictures of the girlies

I hope these pictures load properly and forgive me for the low-grade photography skills. I should hire a couple of my cousins who are much better at this to come over for a photo shoot! But at least I can share pictures of the sweetest lil chicks taking over my laundry room. All they do right now is eat, drink, poop, and sleep. Sounds like any other baby, huh? They're a little scared to be held but they're getting used to it. If you look closely you can see the two different breeds, the Barred Rock and Australorps. One is almost all black with just a yellowish smudge on the top of the head and the other has lots more white and yellow on the belly. The all black ones are much smaller than the other. I have to admit, at the moment I can't remember which breed is which. But I'll figure it out and let you know.

One of the chicks is pretty assertive and has rushed at and pecked my hand when I reach in. I hope she doesn't turn out to be a rooster! My neighbors would not appreciate a noisy rooster so she/he will have to be adopted by a farmer friend if it happens. More later...


mrc-w said...

I love the pictures, Lisa!
I think the ones with the white and yellow bellies are the Barred Rocks. It seems like we always had one stray rooster chick even when we ordered all females, but hopefully you just have an assertive woman chicken! :)

Kulio said...

Ohhh, the pics are great!!! How's mean girl doing? You should name her a gender-neutral name and just wait and see...:-)

Kathi D said...

I love them! I have barred rocks too, and some others. Check out my blog to see my babies--mine are growing up so fast! (And I have at least THREE roosters.)

dig this chick said...

Oh your chicks are cute!

Our Family said...

hi..i'm carin's friend...lurking from her link list.

i was reading the paper this morning and came upon this article in the seattle times.

although i'm sure you have plenty of info on raising chickens...this article was a sweet story about the benefits of raising chickens...

anyhow...i thought you might enjoy it!

Our Family said...

oh didn't copy...i'll try again..

here's where it left off...
