Monday, May 19, 2008

Wow I'm bad at this!

My babies are almost a month old and have already outgrown their baby brooder rabbit cage. Now they are in my garage in a big wire dog crate. It got really cold last night so they have a space heater and a heat lamp and the crate is draped with blankets and rugs. They all snuggled down and kept each other warm. The have shed most of their fluffy down (all over the basement!) and have more real feathers now. Their combs are starting to develop.

Remember the mean one? She's my favorite and I named her Winnie! See picture of me holding her off to the side? She isn't mean just confident...runs up to the door and lets me pet her everytime. The rest are more skiddish.

The coop is mostly done but I forgot to get a picture. It's an 8x8 shed that we bought as a kit. Now I just have to make the adjustments to turn into a chicken dwelling. I'll add a shelf for nesting boxes and a 1x4 for roosting at night. And we need to fence in the outside run and cut a hole in the wall so they can get outside. That's on the agenda for this week. Fun!


JoannCryderman said...

Oh, those pics are so adorable!! Be sure to take one of the coop, too! Thanks for posting again, I've been checking almost everyday cuz I think you're cool. :)

Kathi D said...

They are so cute!

For the roost, you should get a 2x4 and round over the edges a little with sandpaper.

I have read (and now experienced) that "sometimes" that favorite chick, the bold one that has so much personality, turns out to be the, er, rooster.

Lisa Y. said...

Oh, no! Say it isn't so. I'll be listening for crowing!

barefeetbilly said...

Very impressive poultry operation you have set into motion! Thanks for the kind words over at my blog.

mrc-w said...

Oh I have to come visit them soon! That is cool about building a coop. I love the pictures - the chicks (including you!) look cute :)

Carin said...

oh, I want to have chicks!

you are so BRAVE!

Unknown said...

Hey Lisa,
It was great to see and be with you and Mike this weekend!

Carin said...

thinking of you today.

love you.