Friday, May 30, 2008

Daycare chicks

Here are some other baby chicks that I take care of. This isn't everybody but it's who was here today, except for the sleeping one year old baby boy. I've had a home daycare for the last two years, but I'm closing in June and preparing to go back into teaching public school. I'll miss these kiddos but it will be nice to de-clutter my house. I've got baby stuff and toys everywhere!


mrc-w said...

That looks like a fun group, but there are a lot of them! I'm sure it is pretty crazy most of the time! Have you seen the show "Jon and Kate Plus 8"? It is about a family with 8 kids and it sounds like your house is probably a bit like theirs with all the toys and stuff.

JoannCryderman said...

New post!! New post!! New post!!