Friday, May 30, 2008

Coop is coming along slowly but surely

Here's a photo of Mike working on installing the posts that will support our fenced in area of the chicken run. The run will be about 12 x 24 feet when done. We have 6 foot tall chicken wire for the surround and also 24 inch chicken wire to bury at the bottom to discourage digging predators. Eventually the run will also have a chicken wire or hardware cloth "ceiling" so owls and hawks won't visit. The girls are huge and are already crowded in the large dog crate. They tip over their water often and I have to clean out the cage EVERYDAY because the manure is in such a concentrated place. Needless to say we're all anxious for the coop to be done! If the weather had been nicer in May, we would have been able to get this project done a bit faster.

Also above, there is an up to date picture of one of the barred rock girls. See the comb developing? (Sorry for the picture quality. I just got a new phone with a camera so I'm experimenting.) The blurry movement in one picture is probably the naughty girl pecking me. They've got a little attitude once in a while.

1 comment:

mrc-w said...

Oh man, your coop is the bomb!!! Those lucky chicks! :)