Sunday, June 8, 2008

Coop is done, I think. Well pretty much.

Lots of photos, I know. When I get time I'll learn more about how to post them with captions. I wanted to show you what we accomplished yesterday. Lots of sore muscles and sunburn but we're proud of a job well done. The girlies go in and out of the hatch door and seem really happy with their new digs. It was hard getting them in last night but they were like sleepy toddlers, overstimulated by exploring and falling asleep in the grass, so I picked them each up and put them inside for the night. This morning I went out at about 7 and opened their door and they're having fun exploring again. They make the cutest little sounds to each other, a cross between a coo and clucking. So sweet to hear. Come visit, friends!


Kathi D said...

It looks GREAT! It is a lot of work, isn't it? I had to make a couple of chiropractor visits after nailing up all the wire on mine!

Kathi D said...

P.S. I did finally have to lock mine up in the hen house for a few days to convince them to put themselves to bed there every night. Now they behave like proper chickens and are all tucked in by 8:30 every night.

JoannCryderman said...

Yay!! They're free!! Can't wait to come see it. I'll call soon!

Kelle said...

It's AWESOME!!! Maybe we can build a coop on top of our pool! I want to see it in person!

Kulio said...


Finally getting caught up on your blog -- all the pictures are great! Wow Mike did a great job. Can you believe you're doing this??


Lisa Y. said...

I'm thrilled to be doing this!! Brent cam eover for the grand tour and he called me quite the farmer, I loved it! Everyone should have chickens, and it's really easy to just have a couple in a rabbit hutch. Do your research and find out how cheap and easy it can be.

Carin said...

that is AWESOME!

lisa, you are amazing!

mrc-w said...

Lisa, I love your coop!!!

Kelle said...

okay, just noticed how you have "my" in front of the blogs you read. love that...and you! But post again, sister.